Windscreen Repair
Your local Northern Ireland windscreen repair and replacement specialists
Stone chips on your windscreen can develop into a crack if you don’t get this attended to. If you see a chip on your windscreen contact us, and we can assess whether the chip can repaired, saving you the cost of a replacement windscreen.
If you have fully comprehensive insurance, cover stone chips can usually be repaired free of charge.
A repairable chip:
- Is smaller than a £1 coin; if it’s bigger than that chances are, you will need a windscreen replacement.
- Is at least 3 centimeters away from the windscreen edge (the black banded section)
- Is out of the driver’s line of sight. If it’s within the line of sight, it must be no bigger than 10 millimeters (we can repair but will fail an MOT)

If you preferred to pay for your windscreen repair in full, prices start from £40 + VAT
*some insurance companies now charge a small excess for windscreen repairs.
Adas Windscreen Services us Esprit Windscreen repair kits.

As one of the early innovators in windscreen repair, Esprit continues to innovate new product all aimed at creating the same, exceptional results that our brand has become known for.
- A product that allows the user to produce an exceptional repair each and every time
- A simple to use and simple to learn technique that gives the technician confidence for all types of chip – starbreak, bullseye and combination breaks as well as cracks up to 350mm.
- High quality manufacturing, meeting all standards to retain the BS AU 251:1994 and AU/NZ 2366.2:1996 Long crack standards and enable our customers to win all available work in the marketplace